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Monday 28 June 2010

Turning Time

Last Thursday we stopped bench fitting in Workshop and begun learning turning on the centre lathes.  Unfortunately this only happened half way through Thursday, so I don't have much to show for it yet, however, it was really enjoyable as this is something I have always wanted to learn.  Of course, I used lathes at Paxman, but we turned everything using hand tools then and did some spinning too, so it was very different.  

To begin, we were each assigned to a lathe which we will use for the next few weeks.  Dave is teaching us the lathes, which I am pleased about as he takes you through it properly and thoroughly making sure you do a proper job. We first learned the anatomy of a lathe and each cleaned up our lathe so it was ready to go.  Next up was to start work so we learned how to centre the cutting tool at the correct height and what each control did, plus what speed we should be using etc etc.  We then learned two processes:  Facing off (this is creating a clean level end on the workpiece), and, turning the workpiece to a specified size (this is shaving material off the diameter until it is the size you want).  I turned my piece from about 46.xx mm down to exactly 43mm.  Check out these two links for a quick animation of what each process is 

Here are some photos of my lathe and the workpiece. 

 I'm really looking forward to this week as we continue on our workpiece and will learn more exciting processes.

Aside from workshop we have finally received some results for various exams and assignments.  I will email you all those.  Mostly pleased, although will want to improve on a couple by getting higher marks in the August exam, which will average out to the marks I'm looking for...

 Also, when I find out where I am going to sea, I will update you.  Hopefully I will find out soon!

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